Self-belief, in the Time of Covid and way, way beyond!

May 2020

This is a strange time, this time of Covid 19. For some it will mean huge doubt and worry about and for the future of themselves, family, work, for others it will be the time to think freely, reassess their life with time on their side for once!

However this time is affecting you, know one thing – if you suffer from nagging doubts about your own ability to achieve the life you really want please rest assured that you’re not alone.

As a Life Coach I do appreciate that most of us grossly underestimate our ability to live the life of our dreams. We aren’t born with a lack of self-belief – as I’m sure you’ve noticed, most young children believe anything is possible – until we start to teach them otherwise!

If you’re an ardent watcher of the news, newspapers, magazines or social media it will be abundantly clear that life, for some people, and groups of people, is one big power trip.

For those who struggle with the idea that there is natural abundance in the universe – and one look at the inequality and suffering that exists on earth is enough to convince many – achieving a position of power can easily become an obsession. For many of those who pay lip service to moral and ethical values positions of power offer an opportunity to manipulate and control the actions and behaviours of others in order to feed their own unscrupulous hunger for money and status.

And the world, both past and present, is replete with examples of this wherever you look – in politics, religion, the corporate world and even in professional sport. And what, you’re probably wondering, has this got to do with self-belief? Well, the last thing that greedy people in power need or want, is people who stand up to them and publicly expose their self-interested motives. So they will go to increasing lengths to shut down criticism and ‘discipline’ those who question them or the movement that they represent.

In a world where corruption and dictatorship is often seen to pay dividends, this insidiously spreads to people in lower positions of power such as local politicians, religious and community leaders, business leaders and managers, heads of sporting bodies, even school principals and governing bodies.

Such behaviour has a disempowering and demeaning effect on many ordinary people, who are honest, with good intentions but without positions of power. We have to live and survive as best we can in a world where the dice are loaded against us which can cause frustration and confusion and has a severely negative impact on self-belief, or our belief in our ability to be, do and have anything we want in life. Consequently, we are in danger of losing our child-like ability to envision what is possible and instead of imagining, visualising and creating, we go into our shells and resort to coping. SO, if we don’t take active measures to prevent it, it’s all too easy for the world around us to sap our self-belief.

Self-belief and creative thinking may be in short supply but it is undoubtedly the secret to living a meaningful and fulfilling life – something I’ve come to appreciate after many years of being a Life Coach.

So, you need some good news! And this is that Life Coaching, can help you catapult your self-belief to levels you didn’t know existed by exposing individuals to their inner power and their ability to replace restrictive beliefs and thought patterns with empowering and liberating beliefs centred around possibility.

Life Coaching can help you connect with your innate gifts and talents and to think outside the box about how to use your talents. It promotes a refreshing ‘win-win’ abundance mentality and an approach to life based on the importance of taking personal responsibility and allowing others to live their best lives unrestricted by one’s own actions and behaviours.

So do not compare yourself to those who ostensibly are ‘in control’ – so much of this is a myth, especially in our fast-paced life today. Also perhaps – ditch watching – and believing-  the endless news on a loop and stories of unreal ‘reality’!